IGC Blog

IGC Blog

Ignite Year In Review

  It is with much joy and gratitude to God for you that we write you.  The last 12 months have been unique, unprecedented, unusual (whatever you want to call it) for just about everyone and we hope you are thriving 12 months on.  It was in June 2020, as the world began to settle in...
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1675 Hits

Poets Corner:The Expecting Servant

The Expecting Servant   Be an expecting servant Waiting for the Master’s return The lilies do, and they grow In the rain and in the dew Yes, they grow In the midnight hour From the rising of the sun Till the going down of the same Until the last trumpet They grow in earnest expectation Be an...
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1664 Hits

Lessons from the book of Genesis

  Article By Bami Fayoyin and Denise Badila   Jewish tradition and many sources tell us that Moses is the person who received divine inspiration from God to pen down Genesis and the next four books in the Bible. In John 5:46, it says “If you believed Moses, you would beli...
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1829 Hits

Community Impact - May 2021

  "What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the bo...
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3334 Hits

We are delighted to have you visit our website. On these pages, we would like to share some important information about the church and introduce you to a few of the benefits of fellowship with us. We hope you will find your experience both enjoyable and informative. May the Lord bless and keep you in the name of Jesus.



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